How to Pick A Blood Pressure Monitor: The Ultimate 6 Guides and Best Buy

All You Need to Know about Choosing a Blood Pressure Monitor Wrist or Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor? First thing first, we suggest deciding on using a wrist blood pressure monitor or upper arm blood pressure monitor before purchasing. Because the wrist type and the arm type are products that are in different levels. Wrist […]


研究發現鈉含量攝取過多是高血壓潛在的元兇之一,而高血壓可能會導致中風、心臟病、視力下降、腎臟受損以及阿茲海默症,是「隱形的殺手」。以成人而言,美國心臟病學會建議一天的鈉攝取量不應超過 2,300 mg,理想的攝取量約為1,500 mg。在台灣,依據衛生福利部建議,每日鈉總攝取量不宜超過2400毫克(約為6公克鹽)。