
大家每天都會戴口罩出門,每天配戴在臉上的口罩,接觸皮膚、呼吸、講話,不同的情境下,好的口罩除了能隔絕外界髒汙和病菌,對身體影響最少、最安全,也是很重要的考慮因素。消基會前幾個月抽查台北市和新北市的彩色口罩,儘管「禁用之偶氮色料」及「游離甲醛」均符合標準,抽檢的 20 件口罩卻有三款口罩含鉛、一款口罩含殘留揮發性有機物。(不合格廠商名單點此)

MocaCare Medical Isolation Gowns and Coveralls

MOCACARE is an FDA registered medical device company based in California that has in stock five types of medical-grade isolation gowns (AB1003, AB1004, AC1007, AD1008, and AD1009) and one type of medical-grade coveralls (CC1001). Our products received certificates such as the EU Declaration of Conformity, BSI Certificate of Registration, and Intertek test report.  MOCACARE’s isolation […]

ASTM-rated Masks: Definition and Use

ASTM-rated masks are medical masks that are fluid resistant and have a high degree of filtration efficiency. ASTM-rated masks are rated by three levels, higher-level masks have a higher filtration efficiency and fluid resistance.  ASTM level 1 masks are commonly called procedure masks and ASTM level 2 masks surgical masks. They are usually used by […]

The Differences Between N95, KN95, Surgical, and Cloth Masks, Explained

During the coronavirus crisis, mask-wearing and the nation-wide shortage of masks have become hotly discussed topics. You might have already heard the names of many different types of masks: N95 respirator, KN95 respirator, surgical mask, and cloth mask, but are you confused about what each of them means and how they are different?   Read on […]

How and When to Wash Your Hands

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, handwashing is a crucial part of warding off infections and slowing the spread of COVID-19.  The coronavirus can infect you if you have touched your eyes, nose, or mouth after touching an infected person’s bodily secretions or a contaminated surface. Despite the importance of handwashing, a study has shown that people […]