高血壓建議飲食: 得舒飲食(DASH Diet)

得舒飲食(DASH Diet) 英文字面上的意思是遠離高血壓的飲食(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)。1992年,美國國家衛生院研究何種飲食最能夠降低高血壓,多個研究結果發現得舒飲食有效降低高血壓。在不改變生活型態的情況下,實行得舒飲食的受試者的收縮壓下降了 6-11mmHg。除此之外,受試者的低密度膽固醇(LDL)也有下降。

DASH Guideline : Diet for High Blood Pressure

The CDC reports that every day, 1,300 Americans die of high blood pressure or related illnesses. In 1992, The National Institute of Health-funded research on what kind of diet can help people lower their high blood pressure, and the DASH eating plan was tested to effectively reduce blood pressure by multiple studies.  DASH stands for […]