6 Tips to Reduce Sodium Intake for Hypertension

High sodium intake has long been studied by researchers as a potential culprit of high blood pressure (hypertension), a condition that can lead to stroke, heart failure, vision loss, kidney damage, and vascular dementia.  For adults, the American Heart Association suggests a daily sodium intake of no more than  2,300 mg with the ideal sodium […]

High Blood Pressure 101

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a “silent killer” that can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, vision loss, and vascular dementia. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.13 billion people around the world are affected. What is High Blood Pressure?  The heart pumps constantly to transport blood […]

Learn How to Use a Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor Correctly in 5 Minutes

A study published in the Hypertension journal has pointed out that many people are misusing wrist blood pressure monitors at home, which leads to them getting inaccurate readings. The inaccurate readings are usually higher than what’s true. To help you get more accurate measurements, here are some guidelines for measuring your blood pressure.  First, here […]

Multigenerational Homes? How Can it Help with Senior Loneliness? Understand the issue in 1 minute

What is Senior Loneliness? The United Nations reports that the global population of people aged 60 and older will exceed 2 billion in 2050. Meanwhile, senior loneliness is one of the most difficult social problems to solve, and all of us will face the same problem sooner or later.   According to research from the National […]

Stress : The Manageable Epidemic

Stress isn’t Avoidable, but It Is Manageable. Stress has been shown to have serious health consequences ranging from reduced immunity to an increased risk of heart disease. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to stress—health issues, relationships, financial difficulties, work, or even just our responses to daily life can all result in […]

How to Check Your BP Reading at Home without Equipment

How can you know for sure what your actual reading is without equipment? High blood pressure means a person’s blood pressure is consistently too high and signifies that their heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood around the body. The condition, if left untreated, could lead to life-threatening diseases such as heart […]

White-Coat Hypertension: High Blood Pressure only at the Doctor’s office

Known as white-coat hypertension, this common condition may raise heart risks if left untreated. Medical appointments make most people feel at least a little bit anxious. But for some, that stress may trigger a temporary rise in blood pressure. If their blood pressure is normal at home and in other nonmedical settings, they have what’s […]

Could This Popular Drink Lower Your BP reading?

Resveratrol in Drinks like Red Wine HIGH blood pressure could be lowered by a molecule in a certain popular beverage, a new study has claimed. Should those with the condition try to lower their bp reading by enjoying the drink? High blood pressure could be lowered by red wine, a recent study published in the […]

High blood pressure warning: The sign in your eyes

What is High Blood Pressure Exactly? High blood pressure (HBP) is caused by narrowing blood vessels making the heart work harder to pump through the vessels. This increased workload causes a spike in bp readings, placing a strain on vital organs – and there is a sign in the eyes that could indicate someone has […]

SMART Health Goals: How to Achieve Success

Goal setting is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their health. Of course goals are vital for evaluating progress, but they have other benefits too. According to Harvard University, setting goals not only increases achievement, but improves motivation too. Research also shows that having a goal can help increase persistence, and make you […]

10 Superfoods: Health Heroes That Go Above and Beyond

What’s so super about superfoods? They may not sport a mask and cape, but these foods pack a powerful punch when it comes to protecting your health! While the superfoods label isn’t really a scientific term, research does support that nutrient-dense foods like kale, blueberries, and salmon are very helpful for our health and well-being. […]

Good Fats vs. Bad Fats: What You Need to Know

Are Fats Good or Not? Meet the Fat Family. Fats have a bad reputation. It’s the villain in all of our health woes, from heart disease to weight gain. But like most things in life, the story isn’t black and white. There’s definitely more than one side to it. Fat is a rich source of […]

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